Facebook’s visual identity already had a lot going for it in 2008 when I started working there. They had chosen a bold and simple color scheme, had a simple well crafted wordmark, and had thankfully avoided the glossy web 2.0 aesthetic so prevalent at the time. Still, I believed there was huge opportunity for improvement. That opportunity, along with their mission and company culture, was a major reason why I wanted to work there.
refining a visual identity that seemed to work alright did not rank
high in the list of priorities. In our efforts to keep up with
Facebook’s rapid growth, designers regularly one-offed designs for new
products or initiatives. This inefficient use of time also led to a very
fragmented visual landscape.
One of the first efforts to address this came at a Hackathon in 2009, when fellow designers Everett Katigbak and Mark Bixby joined me in an exercise to rethink Facebook’s wordmark. I followed this up by writing Facebook’s identity guidelines, illustration guidelines, and design resources wiki.
One of the first efforts to address this came at a Hackathon in 2009, when fellow designers Everett Katigbak and Mark Bixby joined me in an exercise to rethink Facebook’s wordmark. I followed this up by writing Facebook’s identity guidelines, illustration guidelines, and design resources wiki.
the years I made progress on various pieces in this system, advocated
to anyone who would listen, and also had several failures. I always
believed that a more significant effort was needed. Facebook has a long
history of projects being self-initiated by passionate individuals
within the organization, and in 2012 I was determined to develop a
comprehensive and cohesive visual identity system.
Camera App
first big opportunity to try some of these ideas came in 2012 when I
noticed some mockups for the upcoming Camera app circulating on Pixel
Cloud—Facebook’s internal tool to share design mocks. The product
designers were proposing to use the typeface Klavika for the Camera
wordmark. While Klavika does have good qualities, I have always felt
like it was too stiff and mechanical for Facebook’s brand. Seeing an
opportunity, I contacted them, and despite being days away from the
launch, they humored me. I quickly started redrawing Klavika for the
Camera wordmark to make it just a little more humanist.
the Camera app’s limited success, the custom type was well received
internally. After modifying Klavika again ourselves for other projects,
we decided to commission Eric Olson—the original designer of Klavika—to
take the approach and develop a complete typeface. Currently the
typeface has two weights—regular and semibold—and supports over 75
after Camera, and concurrent with the typeface development, I started
applying this same philosophy to the rest of the identity. Despite
having the full wordmark, the favicon had become the primary identity
mark for Facebook, and there were efforts under way to replace the
wordmark in the products with just the favicon. Facebook had done a poor
job providing these assets to the public, and as a result, many people
often made their own. Even if they did find the official one, the
two-color design also led many people to modify the icon. All of this,
as you can imagine, resulted in a lot of fragmentation.
fragmentation wouldn’t have been so bad, but even Facebook itself
wasn’t consistent. Shown below are the two primary favicon designs it
was using—and there were others.
to solve this, we created a new favicon that was strong enough and
flexible enough to work in any context. Collaborating with Aaron
Sittig—designer of the first favicon—our approach was to redraw the “f”,
adjust the proportions, and remove the bottom highlight bar so the new
favicon at its core is a simple one-color glyph.
of the issues with the previous favicons was their use on certain
backgrounds or in certain contexts. An obvious benefit of a one-color
glyph is that it can work as either a positive or negative shape.
worked with designers Jorn van Dijk and Brandon Walkin on hinting the
new favicon for all the various sizes needed in the product interfaces.
important consideration of the new favicon was designing with modular
border radius in mind. Whenever possible, we use the default radius, but
to accommodate certain interfaces or contexts—like iOS—where a
different radius is ideal, the icon can be adjusted.
the new favicon is also designed with different visual styling in mind.
While the shape and proportions should not be altered—aside from border
radius—the icon itself can be styled to match the visual aesthetic of a
particular interface or context. Shown here are the icons for iOS and
Android respectively—styled by Jorn van Dijk.
of this hopefully makes it much easier for third-parties to incorporate
and style the glyph for their interfaces without modifying the shape or
proportions. Below are some mockups incorporating the new favicon.
mostly finished the development of the typeface and new favicon, I
developed standards and templates for the creation of new sub-brands. A
sub-brand is just any subordinate product, service, team, group, page,
etc. Over the years, sub-brands had been developed in a one-off
approach—each designer solving the same problems over and over. Not only
does this lead to a very messy visual design, but it’s also an
incredibly inefficient use of a designers time.
My approach to this entire system can be summed up with tools not rules.
Instead of creating a bunch of rules telling people “no,” I tried
wherever possible to create a flexible, well-documented system of assets
that was easier to use than the alternative. One rule I did feel the
need to impose however, was to never again incorporate the favicon into a
new mark for a sub-brand. It’s hypocritical to ask third-parties not to
modify our favicon and then turn around and do it ourselves.
that in mind, Jorn van Dijk and I developed guidelines for creating new
icons for sub-brands. Each icon at the basic level needed to function
as a one-color glyph, but it could also be rendered in a full-color
illustrative version.
an exhaustive survey of existing Facebook sub-brands, I tried to create
an extensive system of the various lockups someone might conceivably
want to use for a sub-brand. Again, instead of trying to be very
restrictive, I wanted to try to accommodate the past while moving us
towards consistency.
of the main places these sub-brands show up publicly is on Facebook
operated pages, so designer Kris Brady and I worked with the teams who
ran the pages to update their icons within the new system. These simple
one-color glyphs perform much better at all the sizes necessary for the
product interface.
it’s not used as much anymore, it was important to apply the same
approach developed for Camera and the typeface, to redrawing the
Facebook wordmark itself. This was approved, but unfortunately hasn’t
been implemented after my departure from Facebook.
one of the few rules Facebook had about its wordmark was that it should
always be white reversed out of a darker color. This often broken rule
was finally done away with in this system.
Like Icon
original 16x16 pixel Like icon used in the interface was drawn by
Soleio Curvo. I was responsible for adapting all of the pixel icons into
larger vector illustrations for use in marketing materials. During this
visual identity redesign, I took the opportunity to simplify the icon
I'd drawn previously and worked with the Internationalization team to
create translated Like button graphics.
of the most important and time-consuming aspects to this project was
writing the documentation and creating ways to easily distribute the
assets to people. Internally, I built, wrote, and maintained the Design
Resource Center page on the internal wiki. I also worked with designer
Kris Brady and the marketing team to build an external facing Brand
Resource Center.
Visit facebookbrand.com to download offical Facebook assets.
System In Use
leaving Facebook in 2014, it’s been exciting to see this system being
implemented by Facebook. Third-party implementations of the favicon are
also a vast improvement. Below are uses of the system that I did not
Final Thoughts
as a product and organization evolves very fast, and it was a challenge
trying to design a system that was flexible across many mediums and
contexts. Separate from the visual design work, there was the incredible
task of creating awareness, gaining support, and ultimately creating a
cross-functional team to approve and implement these changes. Even
though no system is ever perfect, I’m proud of what we accomplished and
look forward to seeing how Facebook continues to evolve their visual